As mentioned in my previous blog, flowers and herbs are more my thing than the vegetable garden. (However, I certainly don't mind helping Audra and David eat the fruits of their labor!) David planted my Azalea's today while I was teaching class; herbs will have to wait until I get their "bed" cleared out. Of course along with spring around here comes KITTENS, much to my consternation. Unfortunately, mother cat met her demise on the road out front, leaving five kittens, a week old, for us (Audra with my occasional help) to try and save. Picture this, me holding an approximately 5 inch kitten, trying to get it to eat from a baby bottle, while rubbing it's anus to try and stimulate pooping! Gives new meaning to ambidextrious....those little suckers are certainly slippery. Now, we are giving them baths each day to help stimulate the pooing and to wash off the pee they seem to always have on their fur. (Lovely smell; yuk!) I think I either need a "star in my bonnet" or an appointment with a psychiatrist for attempting the salvage of these little critters. But, they sure are cute, and, did you know, they purr at 1 1/2 weeks of age; very sweet. Well, between those kittens and teaching my classes at MAC today, I am ready to be recline and read a good book while listening to the ballgame; two of my favorite things to do. To anyone ever reading this thing, HAVE A BLESSED DAY!
Herbs waiting to be planted. need a "counter" on here to see how many readers you get each day....and from where they are located. I have you marked as one of my MUST reads each day.....soooo, damn it, write each day!!!