Friday, June 29, 2012

Catching Up!

Oh my, a week has gone by and of course I have been chastised by my Grandson for not blogging!  So, here goes.  I was actually going to write in my blog last Sunday.  We had a wonderful lesson in our Sunday School Class on friendship and how important it is in our lives.  One of the greatest blessings I have had in life is the gift of friendship.  One of those people I take for granted and don't really think to mention when someone discusses "friends" is my brother, Michael.  Throughout my life I have always had my brother to depend on.  My Mumsz kinda raised us as twins; well, no wonder, we are only 14 months apart in age.  Neither of us remember life without the other. Consequently, I never felt lonely or envious of other little children growing up because Michael and I were bonded at the hip.  To this day, he is "solid as a rock" in his devotion to me as I am to him.  Another privilege I've had is a lifelong friend, one whose parents were friends of my parents, whose mother's were "stay at home" Mom's, and whose fathers flew airplanes.  Bunny, Michael, and I were kind of like the Three Musketeers!  We played together, laughed together, and got into mischief together.  These two people established what I know true friendship to be at a very early age......genuine love, respect, and acceptance.  What an exceptional foundation I was blessed with as a child and on throughout life!  Now I could "wax poetic" regarding friends through the years, but I'll leave that for another time.  One can only deal with just so much sentimentality on one day!

This past week has gone quickly for us here at the Hanner House, as we continue to garden, gather to eat (favorite pastime) with friends and family, and catch up on indoor tasks during this rediculously hot weather!  Sunday we gathered as a family to have a roast beef dinner.  I LOVE having my kiddo's here for Sunday dinner.  Hadn't seen our Kirsten for a bit, so it was great to have her here talking to the TV everytime one of the Cardinals did something good/bad!  Quite a ball follower she is.  Reminds me of being at my Grandma and Grandpa Nichols' house in the sumer listening to all my Uncles and Aunts "carry on" about the ballgame and how it was progressing.

Monday nights are great fun for us as we get to see Kylee and Kirsten play softball together; same team.  Daughter Audra and Ed Tripp are supposed to be the coaches, but since Kirsten is playing, son Brian can't help but lend a coaching's quite interesting to see Kylee and Kirsten on the field and Audra and Brian in the dugout or on the field coaching.  Brian is trying to get the most out of the girls and their abilities; Audra wants that too, but is afraid of hurting some of their feelings!  Ed is the juggler, keeping both in line, I suppose! Ha.

Late afternoon Tuesday we were pleased to have our friends John and Marsha visit prior to leaving to there Wyoming "home".......the RV Park where they will be staying for the next 2 months.  We always miss them when they are gone as we have such good times together just "jawing", playing games, or watching TV together.  There weather in WY will surely be better than this heat wave we are having here, so I think I'm JEALOUS!
Also, Tuesday night, we were very proud to attend Michael's Boy Scout Court of Honor where he received his merit badges.  He has achieved Life Scout and is working on meeting the requirements for Eagle Scout.  He's good for Scouts and Scouts have been good for him!

We have spent the last part of the week doing the gardening thing......
Glad to have some produce now, as this heat is wilting everything down rapidly.  To date we've made zucchini relish, dilly green beans, cherry jam, and zuchini bread.  The kiddo's eat the zucchini bread about as fast as we can make it!  Found a recie on the internet, and it IS delicious.  One of our joys was having Christopher come out and make zucchini relish with us....don't know how much he will remember about canning the relish, but we all certainly got a "kick" out of him "slaveing over the hot stove" lading the relish into the jars.  As we were working with the zucchini, the news came on about the Supreme Court giving legality to the Health Care Law!  Christopher was so excited he was beside himself..... ALL of us were quite suprised that the Court did not strike down the "mandate for insurance" section.  I loved that Judge Roberts had the "breaking" vote.  I can't help myself, I would have loved to have seen Michelle Bachman's face when the court announced it's decision.  Regardless of one's reaction to this ruling, it was a momentous decision and certainly one which will be historic.
Today Christopher came by for some zucchini bread and a quick game of Golf (cards).  David and I always enjoy these spontaneous visits and special time with our oldest grandchild.

Well, I have somewhat caught up on the week with my meanderings.  Michael, Bunny, Carol Lee, and Daivd I"m sending you al hugs!  AND to all the other blessings in my life that I'm proud to call "FRIEND"!  I hope your day/week has been a good one and that LIFE IS GREAT!

Kirsten & David at Monday night ballgame

Michael receiving badges at Boy Scout Court of Honor

Christopher relaxing while waiting on zucchini bread to finish baking.

David (turquoise shirt), Kylee (long hair) and Sue (chubby one in white shirt!) at Michael's 
Boy Scout Court of Honor 

Zucchini Bread

Dilly Beans

Cherry Jam

French Bread we just had to make to go with our Cherry Jam!

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