have had some excitement this month as our son-in-law Kyle came across a timber
rattler in the gravel driveway by the house! He had to kill it as it was
very much a danger to Kylee, who plays outside and rides her dirt bike on that
very spot!!!! Thank God it was Kyle that came upon it, not Kylee.
At any rate, Kyle managed to kill it, and then, as is the Hanner way, of
course, WE ATE IT! Not bad, at first Kylee was not going to taste it, but
I badgered her some and she agree to try it......she ate three pieces......what
a hoot!
first week of July Danielle, Sophie, and Brian came to visit.......always a
BUSY but rewarding time. We got to have not one but TWO tea parties!
This is a tradition which Sophie and I started when she was about 2 years
old. Now, Brian is VERY into the tea.....well, actually in the mornings
we have hot chocolate; afternoons are tea time. They are quite a pair.
Even tho Brian is only two he is quite large for his age; Sophie on the
other hand is quite tiny for her 5 years.....she can (and does on occasion)
wear his clothes! They can go "at it" with great gusto.....I
haven't decided who is loudest yet, just that Sophie's voice is more shrill.
Brian and Grandpa go right out doors on the porch when they get up; if
Grandpa is not quite ready to go out, Brian will grab his hand and say
"out, out", pulling him to the front door. Quite cute.
Sophie generally joins them when she gets up unless Grammy has managed to
drag her "fat body" out of bed and is willing to set up the tea
table! We try to let Danielle get a few extra "z's" as Brian many
times keeps her up at night.....even yet. Sophie LOVES spending time with
her cousins and especially having a "sleep over"......this time she
got to spend the night with Aunt Audra and Uncle Kyle (whom she thinks is quite
the "hunk" when he comes to breakfast with his shirt off--her words!
What can I say, she is her mother's daughter!) The week went by
quickly, as usual, and then all is quiet again; we miss them. Ozzie is
interviewing for a position in Turkey and if he gets it, they will move.
I cannot even allow myself to contemplate it! So for now, I'll play
ostrich and "bury my head in the sand" away from reality! Works
for me.
just spent this weekend in St. Louis watching Kirsten play basketball.
Brian is her coach, so it's always a joy for us to watch them in action.
Well, that is unless he starts hollering at the ref, at which time I
can't help myself, I start hollering "Sit down and shut up Coach!"
NOT a good scenario, however, I'm sure it conjures up an
image.......hummmmmm. They played hard and won 2 out of three games at
Matthews-Dickey Boys and Girls Club in St Louis. This is quite a facility
in the inter city which was built in the 1960's and has seen great success
helping young people develop into quality citizens not just athletes. We
enjoyed returning there; Danielle played there in the 80's when we followed her
around with AAU Basketball.
we got home around lunch time today, I promptly took up my position on the sofa
for naptime! David and I both were "pooped". We realized
we hadn't quite recovered from making chicken and dumplings on Friday......
try to have a donation dinner periodically to raise money for our ministers
Discretionary Fund or our Christians in Action group. Last Friday, it was
"Chicken and Dumplings Night". We always have the best time
working together to serve whomever comes out to eat. We then donate the
proceeds to the discretionary fund or CIA. This Friday was especially
good; we had 33 people and made over $500.00! Our church family is just
super to attend these dinners and last Friday we also had two ladies from the
community, Joan Whitener and Nancy Carrow, join us......we were thrilled.
As I've said many times, "God watches after fools and idiots",
so I have the "upper hand"! We're very fortunate that we have
been able to help out in this manner and have had people to donate to help
serve the less fortunate of Madison County through our churches Discretionary
Fund and the CIA.
week once again sees my family "on the move". Thankfully,
Audra, Kyle, and Kylee are home from their "vacation"; they went to
Doniphan and played on the river all last week. Kylee was in her element!
She paddled around in a kayak, jumped in the river from the rope swing
until her leg was a mass of bruises, and played with her cousins from daylight
till dark! She loved every minute of it! She's our MAJOR outdoor
girl. Her brother, Michael, is in Illinois visiting with his half-sisters
for a couple of weeks; we miss him. On Thursday our Pam is taking the
volleyball girls to Springfield for a tournament, the next weekend Brian's
basketball team again plays in the Show-Me games, and the first weekend in
August is the culmination of Christopher's 3 week session at Georgetown.
Speaking of which, he is QUITE excited, as we are for him, at being in
Washington, D.C. for the Junior Statesman of America program. He flew
there today and is ensconced in his room over looking the Potomac River and
within view of the Washington Monument! As he said "Score"!
Ha. Hope his week is as exciting as his first afternoon/night.
I am leaving Tuesday for Chicago; Danielle has requested a bit of help as
they enter the last week of preparation before Sussical is going to be
performed starting on July 26th. I will be helping finalize costumes,
babysitting Brian, and being chief cook and bottle washer! Am looking
forward to it.
as July rushes by, please join with me in celebrating each day we have and
trying to look at the positives life grants us rather than dwelling on the
negative.......Because after all, LIFE TRULY IS GREAT.
David readying the tomatoes for canning!
Tomatoe sauce abubbling'
Timber Rattler Kyle had to kill on their driveway!
Christopher making dumplings for our Donation Dinner Friday night, July 13th
Blackberry jam-Thank you for berries Connie Matthews
Snack time following swimming!
Sophie had to "decorate" and "dress" the kitten/cat!
Morning tea time! Really hot chocolate.
A little swimming!
OOOPS! Somebody lost something important!
Nephew Christian, Grandchilren Michael, Kylee, & Sophie
Doing what we do best.....EATING on 4th of July.
Afternoon tea....cherries and peaches with their zucchini bread.
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